Intelligent Platform Bar will increase safety at train stations

Intelligent Platform Bar Lite, source: Conclusion ForeyeT
Source: Conclusion ForeyeT

Dutch company Conclusion ForeyeT has developed two innovative solutions for the rail sector: the Intelligent Platform Clock (IPC) and the Intelligent Platform Bar Lite (IPBL). They can be used to count passengers and increase safety at train stations. These innovations were demonstrated at RailTech Europe 2019 in Utrecht. The developer aims to implement them at European train and light-rail stations.

The solution ‘Intelligent Platform Bar Lite (IPBL)’ consists of a LED-light bar and sensors installed on the platform of a train station. The LED lights can turn into any colour. “Before a train arrives, the lights will indicate where the doors will be. It makes boarding the train easier, faster and safer. When the doors are closing, the lights become red. It means that boarding is no longer allowed,” specified Wouter Klijnsmit, R&D manager at Conclusion ForeyeT.

The other product ‘Intelligent Platform Clock’ turns a regular platform clock into a travel information sign. The LED lights show passengers exactly how much time there’s left before the next train will depart. “We took an ordinary platform clock like the ones used in the Netherlands and upgraded them. This product is very convenient for stations without travel information displays. With these intelligent platform clocks passengers will be informed about departures and delays at one glance,” said Klijnsmit.

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Intelligent Platform Clock, source: Conclusion ForeyeT

Intelligent Platform Clock, source: Conclusion ForeyeT.

Safe platforms

The Intelligent Platform Bar Lite has several additional features. It can increase safety at train stations. “If someone is walking on the platform edge behind the safety line, the bar can light up in red to warn the traveller to be careful and to return to a safe part of the platform,” noted Klijnsmit. He added that his company can also equip the IPBL with a sound system to prevent accidents.

Count passengers

Another feature is to count the passengers. “The Intelligent Platform Bar Lite has special sensors. Using these sensors, we can count passengers who board and depart the train, determine the places for gathering of passengers, indicate rush hours and so on. The train operators can use the information the sensors provide to improve their service. For example; they can use it to determine, when and where the longish or shortened trains are required. The information the sensors provide can also be useful for infrastructure managers. They can find out which places require an increase of capacity,” explained Klijnsmit.

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Intelligent Platform Bar at RailTech Europe 2019, source: RailTech

Intelligent Platform Bar at RailTech Europe 2019, source: RailTech.

Test location

Conclusion ForeyeT will soon start the certification phase for both solutions. Afterwards, the company aims to install the solutions on and in platforms in public transport in the Netherlands and abroad. Therefore, they are deliberating with several public transport operators. “We are looking for the perfect test location. We have several Dutch companies that want to be the first one to have one of the solutions installed. Still, it can also be an international railway company that will take the lead. However, we hope that the Netherlands will be the first test location for our solutions. Time will tell,” concluded Klijnsmit.

Author: Mykola Zasiadko

Mykola Zasiadko was editor of online trade magazines and

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Intelligent Platform Bar will increase safety at train stations |

Intelligent Platform Bar will increase safety at train stations

Intelligent Platform Bar Lite, source: Conclusion ForeyeT
Source: Conclusion ForeyeT

Dutch company Conclusion ForeyeT has developed two innovative solutions for the rail sector: the Intelligent Platform Clock (IPC) and the Intelligent Platform Bar Lite (IPBL). They can be used to count passengers and increase safety at train stations. These innovations were demonstrated at RailTech Europe 2019 in Utrecht. The developer aims to implement them at European train and light-rail stations.

The solution ‘Intelligent Platform Bar Lite (IPBL)’ consists of a LED-light bar and sensors installed on the platform of a train station. The LED lights can turn into any colour. “Before a train arrives, the lights will indicate where the doors will be. It makes boarding the train easier, faster and safer. When the doors are closing, the lights become red. It means that boarding is no longer allowed,” specified Wouter Klijnsmit, R&D manager at Conclusion ForeyeT.

The other product ‘Intelligent Platform Clock’ turns a regular platform clock into a travel information sign. The LED lights show passengers exactly how much time there’s left before the next train will depart. “We took an ordinary platform clock like the ones used in the Netherlands and upgraded them. This product is very convenient for stations without travel information displays. With these intelligent platform clocks passengers will be informed about departures and delays at one glance,” said Klijnsmit.

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Intelligent Platform Clock, source: Conclusion ForeyeT

Intelligent Platform Clock, source: Conclusion ForeyeT.

Safe platforms

The Intelligent Platform Bar Lite has several additional features. It can increase safety at train stations. “If someone is walking on the platform edge behind the safety line, the bar can light up in red to warn the traveller to be careful and to return to a safe part of the platform,” noted Klijnsmit. He added that his company can also equip the IPBL with a sound system to prevent accidents.

Count passengers

Another feature is to count the passengers. “The Intelligent Platform Bar Lite has special sensors. Using these sensors, we can count passengers who board and depart the train, determine the places for gathering of passengers, indicate rush hours and so on. The train operators can use the information the sensors provide to improve their service. For example; they can use it to determine, when and where the longish or shortened trains are required. The information the sensors provide can also be useful for infrastructure managers. They can find out which places require an increase of capacity,” explained Klijnsmit.

Text continues below the picture.

Intelligent Platform Bar at RailTech Europe 2019, source: RailTech

Intelligent Platform Bar at RailTech Europe 2019, source: RailTech.

Test location

Conclusion ForeyeT will soon start the certification phase for both solutions. Afterwards, the company aims to install the solutions on and in platforms in public transport in the Netherlands and abroad. Therefore, they are deliberating with several public transport operators. “We are looking for the perfect test location. We have several Dutch companies that want to be the first one to have one of the solutions installed. Still, it can also be an international railway company that will take the lead. However, we hope that the Netherlands will be the first test location for our solutions. Time will tell,” concluded Klijnsmit.

Author: Mykola Zasiadko

Mykola Zasiadko was editor of online trade magazines and

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