ERA survey: rail freight sector not ready for 4th Railway Package
When asked whether people were aware of the changes that will be introduced from June 2019 with the implementation of the 4th Railway Package, half of the respondents answered negatively. The survey was carried out by the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA), which has responded to the results with an action plan.
The questionnaire has been sent to rail organisations to assess their awareness of the changes that come with the technical pillar of the 4th Railway Package. The aim of the survey was to provide support where needed. Based on the results, ERA will provide interviews with various companies and other measures to gear up the rail sector.
Technical pillar
First outlined in 2013, the 4th Railway Package aims to improve the competitiveness of the rail sector and quality of services by removing administrative costs, introducing more competition in domestic passenger services and ensuring a level playing field for operators, including freight. The technical pillar consists of proposals to amend the interoperability and safety directives.
ERA will provide more information about the changes during Innotrans in Berlin at a special meeting “Getting my new train on track!”. The meeting will be held on 19th September, from 3-4 PM in the Speakers’ Corner Hall 14.2/15.2.