Spain announces 50 per cent discount on Interrail for youth
Spanish president Pedro Sánchez has announced a 50 per cent discount on the Interrail pass for young people between the ages of 18 and 30 can travel throughout Europe this summer. In addition, a ‘Spanish national Interrail pass’ will be created with a 90 per cent discount. It is valid this summer, between June 15 and 15 September.
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Spain should rather assure
1. that reservation fees on international trains from and to Spain are reduced. These amount to 36 or 50 € even for such short stretches as Narbonne to Figueres, on top of the interrail pass itself.
2. that the newcomers on Spanish high speed rail, such as Ouigo, and OES, AVL are included in interrail system
3. that inner-Spanish reservation fees are reduced (e.g. 12 or 25,50 €)for Figueres to Girona, a trip of 14 Minutes)
Reservation fees higher than normal tickets!