Europe’s major railway players have called for massive investments in rail. 33 railway companies from 24 European countries signed a pact to that end during the European Railway…
Open-access operator Italo is expanding its offer by doubling its current high-speed services. From May 27, the operator will have 62 daily services. Last month, financial support from…
“Railway operators should work together more. If we get people out of the car and into the train, everyone will benefit”, says Delphine Grandsart, researcher at the European…
A lot of passengers travelling between Paris and Amsterdam notice that a train ticket is sometimes more expensive than a flight. Kimmo Oostermeyer, an expert in infrastructure and…
Germany will receive EU funding for a scheme to support railway companies that invest in energy efficiency technologies. Companies providing electrically powered rail transport services may be compensated…
Polish State Railways PKP SA, the dominant railway operator in Poland, will take over PKP PLK, the infrastructure manager of railway in Poland to establish PKP Holding. Lobby…
The current cooperation on track access charges is not satisfactory. Infrastructure managers could be more successful if they offered more competitive prices providing coherent pricing signals to their…